Noticeboard Post

Subscription Renewal Notice

All membership come up for renewal at the end of this month (September). Members have a month's grace to renew, but at the end of October the club will need to suspend accounts and for GDPR reasons delete details of any member who has not renewed.

Please complete the attached membership form and email it to Jan, the Club Secretary, if you wish to renew. We need a new form each year even for renewing members as this is our record of your GDPR permission to us to store your details.

Following the substantial hike in our electricity unit price the AGM voted to rise both annual subscriptions and court fees. The AGM minutes will be shared in due course, with further details on this.

Attached are membership forms for 24-25, and the new subs and fees schedule. Copies will also be posted in the club.

Club Bank Details for online payment are available on request - please contact the Club Secretary for these.

Please contact the committee if you feel exceptional circumstances may apply to your membership application.

MVCSC Committee