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Herts Summer League - Nuffield 5 vs Melbourn 2, 28th May 2024

Melbourn 2nds travelled to St Albans to take on Nuffield 5.
First up, Moises Estrelles Navarro took on an experienced and gritty opponent in Mark Weedon. This was an excellent display by Moises, combining his ability to retrieve, good decision making and playing with accuracy. Each of the 3 games followed an almost identical pattern. It was clear from the first rally that both players were prepared to fight it out with all they had. Mark showed his experience in the early stages of game 1 and had Moises on the back foot, but Moises, as always, retrieved relentlessly, and stayed within touching distance of Mark. As the game wore on Moises was gaining more of a foothold through accurate and deep driving, then mixing it up to move Mark around the court. At 9:9, Moises' fitness and confidence began to tell and he was able to convert 5 of the next 6 points to take the game. Could Moises keep the pressure on and keep playing as he has been doing in training? The answer was emphatically yes. While Mark upped is game, Moises was able to apply the pressure mid-game to again forge ahead taking the second game 12:15. Now high on confidence, and knowing he had the game to match his opponent, Moises again kept it tight in early stages of the third, getting to 10:10 before upping the pace once more, winning the next 5 points and claiming the match 0-3.
A great start for Melbourn and Matt was in competitive mood, up against a very experienced Scottish international in Mhairi Gritz. Mhairi's game was full of flare and trickery, showing her class from the back corners to drop repeatedly, giving no chance of a pick-up, driving low with ferocity, forcing Matt into errors trying to retrieve. However, Matt stayed in it and was able to find his rhythm, applying pressure with his ability to push Mhairi to the back and especially his trademark volley drops. However Mhairi was able to disrupt his rhythm with some high-risk shot taking, most of them winners. Matt was being frustrated by making unforced errors at the most inopportune moments and Mhairi took the game 15:10. As in the first game, Mhairi continued to go for winners from seemingly impossible angles, but succeeded in staying a few points ahead. Matt's unforced errors again kept him from drawing level and Mhairi took the game 15:12. Unforced errors aside, Matt was playing well however, and it was no surprise that he found the opportunity in game 3 to impose himself on the match. Dominating the third game with accuracy and fantastic anticipation of where Mhairi was going to put the ball, he also cut down on the unforced errors, comfortably and confidently taking the game 11:15. The momentum with now with Matt, however Mhairi had other ideas and doubled down on her courageous (high risk-return!) approach by going for winners and being unpredictable on almost every shot. Matt was also in generous mood again and reverted to handing cheap points to his opponent. Mhairi took the game 15:11 and claimed the match 3:1.
A winner takes all final match of the evening, Colm O'Gorman was facing an up-and-coming junior in Josh Binmore. The players had different styles, Josh's driving and boasting with accuracy, and his agility to get around the court with ease was countered by Colm's dogged retrieval and drops from anywhere approach. The first game was nip and tuck throughout, all the way to 15:15, both players having game point, Josh eventually nicking it 18:16. The second game was almost identical, however this time Colm had the edge with his drops and retrieving paying dividends, ultimately taking it 16:18. There was nothing between the players, each cancelling the other. Colm, however, knowing that fitness may become a deciding factor, changed tactics slightly. Serving a little higher and forcing Josh into weaker returns enable him to find the corners much more frequently and took point after point in this manner, taking an unassailable lead. Even though Josh put a string of points together later in the game, Colm took it comfortably 9:15. In the fourth, Colm was in no mood to take the pressure off, and continued to force his opponent to the corners. Going 2:7 up, it seemed that the momentum was firmly with Colm, however a long and drawn out rally, eventually won by Josh seems to energise him and put Colm under pressure (i.e. he was winded!). Josh managed to win 7 points in a row to lead by 2 at 10:8. Colm however dug in and made a fight of it, taking it to 13:13 and an error by Josh gave Colm match point which he took. The match ending 1:3 and the night was Melbourn's.
Team captain Colm noted that the 'highlight of the night was seeing Moises step up in level to compete so well and beat an experienced and very competitive opponent, all that training and match playing over the last 3 years coming to fruition'.