Noticeboard Post

Sports Centre Closure - impact on Squash Club

Melbourn Village College Squash Club are shocked and saddened by the sudden closure of Melbourn Sports Centre after the liquidation of Be Active Melbourn, the management company responsible for its running. Our thoughts go out to the former staff of the Leisure Centre over this unexpected and bad news.

The Squash Club wishes to make clear that it remains open - whilst we were a close partner of Melbourn Sports Centre, we are an independent organisation from them: their closure is not out closure. We remain open to Club Members.

Despite this the Sport Centre closing has clear implications for Melbourn Squash Club. A key one is we have been forced to suspend casual court usage for the local community as we have no way of servicing such bookings without the Sports Centre. This is not a decision the club has taken lightly - we have done so because we have no other option. It's one we intend to reverse as soon as practically possible.

The Squash Club is in touch with the Melbourn Village College/The CAM Academy Trust as they explore a solution that will allow the Sports Centre to re-open to the local community as soon as possible. We thank the staff at the Village College for providing a method for members to have continued access the courts in the meantime. Club Members are advised to check their emails for details of how to get on to the site and into the Court building whilst the Sports Centre is shut.

MVCSC Committee