Noticeboard - Website features Posts

League Player Historical Results

Clicking on the name of a player in a league division table will generate a list of league divisions in which that player has been.  You can use this feature to see the historical results for league players.

(This feature has always been present but it went wrong a while ago when a league had to be deleted from the database table.  This has been fixed and the feature is now working correctly again.)


Reminders to confirm provisional bookings

For a few weeks now a few of us have been testing an option to be sent an email reminder to confirm a provisional booking.  Everything seems to be working satisfactorily and so this feature has now been made available to everyone.

If the time until you need to confirm a provisional booking is greater than 24 hours then on the Your Bookings page you will see a Set Reminder option in the Actions column.  Click on this option and you will be able to elect to be sent an email either 4 hours or 24 hours before the provisional booking expires. Click on one of these buttons to set the appropriate reminder.